Sunday, November 21, 2010

Our almost 10k Saturday

Hey runners!
we ran 6 miles, collected 7 cans of food, and were 10 in number. Not bad:) It was perfect running weather and we were blessed to have Charles McCalley, the founder of Sole Saints, join our group.

So we ran an almost 10k without thinking too much about it. That's pretty impressive. You probably didn't run into (no pun intended) too many other people this weekend who could say the same thing.

It's going to get colder, a lot colder, before we line up for Mercedes. We're going to have to help each other stay motivated to roll out of our cozy beds on freezing Saturday mornings. But it's worth it. Not just for the tech shirt and the medal. Not just to cross the finish line standing up. Not just for the crazy conversations that help us keep our feet moving but for something more personal. A sense of "I can do this" - I can get up. I can run 11 miles. I can run a half marathon. 

Here's a thought from the great runner Pre who overcame many obstacles to prove a lot of people wrong about what he could and couldn't do:

"You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement."
- Steve Prefontaine

I'm really blessed to get to run with you guys. Looking forward to our first 7-miler this Saturday. We'll meet at good old Brownell and run to Greensprings and back on the Greenway. Please remember to bring a can for our food drive and something to drink... in case I forget.

peace be with you my friends -

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